Build Some Love For Your Newsletter List

How Can You Increase Your Newsletter List?

Now that you have decided to send a newsletter, how can you increase your newsletter list? The most important thing is:

To Increase Your Newsletter List Have a Fantastic Offer or Free Gift That Can Only Be Accessed By Signing Up To Your Newsletter

What do you have to give that won’t cost you much but that your potential client will really appreciate? Here are a few ideas. You will probably come up with more.

  • What about a quick drawing using their initials, like a personal logo?
  • Maybe you could offer a free image they can print off themselves.
  • If you felt up to running a Facebook group to help others learn about the skills you have, it could be access to that group requires them to give you their email address.
  • Do you have a piece of information a “How To” that your potential client would be willing to relinquish their email address for?
  • You may have a video or webinar that people have to sign-up for, giving their email address.
  • Other businesses simply don’t put prices on their website and offer a price list in exchange for some-one signing up to their mailing list.

Broadcast Your Offer

  • If you attend network meetings or marketing events you can take a flyer with you that mentions the offer.
  • Get in touch with your existing contacts to let them know your fantastic offer and asking them to sign-up.
  • If you primarily market via social media repeat tweet or post. “Pin” the tweet or post to the top or your profile.

Make It Easy

Make it easy for your client to sign-up. All MailChimp lists come with an automatic sign-up form. You can have it inserted onto your website or email, post or tweet the link.

Getting Help To Grow Your Newsletter List

I’m full of bright ideas about how you can use your newsletter to drum up more business; no doubt you are too. Call me, Liz Bailey on 07974 701526 or email

I provide a variety of newsletter packages to suit your needs, whether they be weekly, monthly or automated email marketing.

Grow Newsletter List


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