Why Use Twitter For Business and How To Do It

Do you have a business website with a link to Twitter? You will notice that nearly every website does. You need to be sure that when your potential clients click on that link there is something relevant for them to see.

Having a Twitter account is like walking into a room full of people.
Not using it is like not talking to anyone in that room.

Imagine what your website visitors will think if they click on the Twitter icon and see an inactive account. They need to know that your business is active. Whilst your website may show what you do, your social media accounts show who you are. That can make a difference between a potential client choosing you or another business. If you follow no-one and don’t tweet, what is that going to say about you?

Even though you are busy enough as is with the work you actually get paid for and other paperwork if you have a website with a Twitter link you are missing a trick if you don’t at least keep it up to date.

If you haven’t used social media before it is an excellent place to start. If you already use Facebook you will find Twitter a piece of cake.

And before you start saying you thought Twitter was just for following celebrities or for politicians to make themselves look cool, take a minute and see how Twitter can be used by your small business.

Setting up a Twitter Profile

It doesn’t take long to set up a Twitter account but do at least go to the profile page, (top right corner on a laptop or swipe from the left on mobile), tap edit profile and change the egg picture to one that represents your company, preferably your company logo. There is also a backdrop picture so if you have a photograph of some recent work put that there.

There is an offer of a link to your website. You need to add it.

If you are struggling with this and have kids over the age of 10, I’m sure they will be happy to help. Everything is changeable so you don’t need to worry about mistakes.

Who to Follow

Despite the offer to follow a TV Channel or some sport, there are lots of interesting and relevant businesses out there to follow. This is important because if you don’t follow anyone, very few people will follow you. Those followers are your potential clients.

Twitter has a huge business following for good reason, so why not make the most of it?

Are your potential clients mostly in one area or town? Use the search icon (a magnifying glass) and type in your town name. Click or tap any you like the look of.

If you want to push the boat out put a # (known as a hashtag) before your town name. This will bring up people who are talking about your town. You are now officially welcomed to the 21st century.
You can repeat this action with any interest you have ie #F1, #ManchesterUnited #golf #SmallBusiness

Now you are following some people and businesses, people will start following you back. Your business is now more visible.

Twitter was my first introduction to Social Media and I found it incredibly easy. In the UK there are a number of competitions run by @ADG_IQ and @TheoPaphitis and others where you can find like-minded business owners who will happily follow you.

Ways to use Twitter

There are three ways you can use Twitter, you can:


By making regular updates you let visitors to your website know that your business is alive and kicking. This is your best way forward for starters. One photo or comment a week, or even a month will help visitors to your website see you, your work or your products.


Your town or area will have an hour when local businesses chat, for me, it is #NorthWalesHour. Type a comment and add #NorthWalesHour and everyone who wants to chat in that hour can see your tweet.

If you do a search using the same hashtag you can also see everyone chatting in that hour. This makes you more visible to local businesses. It is also an effective way to meet potential clients and similar business owners. Many people, including myself, have received work through these hours.

My particular favourite is #SmallBizHour at 9 pm on a Tuesday evening. There is always a topic relevant to small businesses, plus a good natter. I have learnt a lot and laughed a lot during this “TweetChat”. Another favourite is #CreativeBizHour where creative business owners share their work and have a catch-up.


Send out 10 or 20 or more tweets per day broadcasting information about your service. This takes quite a bit of work and there are mixed opinions on this. If this is the way you want to go you can hire someone to do this for you.

Linking Twitter to other apps

One thing I really love about Twitter is when you are ready to take the next step. As you may be aware, once you start using Twitter for business you can post updates from other apps such as MailChimp, HootSuite, Buffer etc and every single one links very easily to Twitter. It is, at the most, a two step-process once in the app you want to link.

  1. Click/Tap link to Twitter
  2. Type in your password

If you already have Twitter open on your laptop or pc you don’t even have to type in your password. Couldn’t be easier. That is why I love Twitter. It is easy.

Bonus Info

If you use Twitter on your laptop you can change the blue backdrop colour to your favourite or your own brand colour through Profile, Edit Profile, Theme Colour.

I do hope you find this blog helpful, Twitter is well worth using if you run a small business. You can run it yourself or ask a Virtual Assistant to run it for you (or a helpful teenager if you have one).

I can help you set up a profile or keep your Twitter Feed up to date, call me on 07974 701526 or email lizthewhiz@lizthewhiz.co.uk, or you can, of course, contact me via Twitter at https://twitter.com/love_typing

Help for Twitter, Wrexham


2 thoughts on “Why Use Twitter For Business and How To Do It”

    • Hi, good question. As you are a service provider I would recommend attending a hashtag hour once a week and use Tweetdeck to talk to people about their interests, listen and be helpful. Choose an hour where your target clients will be chatting away. When they need help with the service you provide it will be you they ask. Like all social media marketing, it takes time but is effective. If you can back that up with a few scheduled tweets a day, using Buffer, linking to your website that will help too.

      I hope that helps.



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