6 Steps To Excellent Dictation

Dictation is an excellent opportunity for you to delegate work whilst staying in control.

You are probably familiar with giving instructions to Siri or Google. This is an opportunity to take this to the next level by using a voice recorder to dictate to a person. Before you jump in, take a few minutes to read the tips below to help you get the most value for money.

Start with a theme

Get clearly in mind the theme or title of the item you are to dictate, ie 5 Good Reasons To Outsource.

Briefly note down your main points

This will help to keep you on track. Just one word is needed for each main point. If it is a long email note each point you want to address.If you are dictating a blog note those 5 Good Reasons.

Choose your environment

Your environment does not need to be silent. Just be aware of what type of background noise is around you, particularly if you are outside. For instance, if you are near a road and traffic passes close by, pause for a moment. Having said that the beauty of dictation is you do not have to be at your desk, you can be anywhere. It’s great for when you are sitting in your car waiting for someone.

Tell your transcriber what to expect

Before you start each item tell your transcriber what to expect;
This is a letter to …” “This is a blog post” “This is a Newsletter”


Do not imagine a large audience. Imagine the person you would expect to read your email, blog or report and talk as if they were on the other end of your telephone.

This should go without saying but do not dictate whilst eating or drinking. Speak steadily and clearly holding your device 4-6 inches from your mouth. Experience will teach you the best distance for your device.

Additional Features of an Assistant

In addition to typing emails and blogs, dictation is an excellent way of leaving instructions. You can ask your assistant to obtain contact details or email addresses of prospective clients, make appointments, update databases; the possibilities are endless.

Dictation is a way of increasing your output without increasing your workload. You stay in the driver’s seat and review or tweak all items before posting or sending.

Try it now. Find the voice recorder on your phone and dictate your next blog. If you think this is an easier way to work, and I’m sure you will call me on 07974 701526 or email lizthewhiz@lizthewhiz.co.uk Let’s chat about how we can make this work for you.

Typing Services, North Wales


Photo courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net

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